Australia, ISIS And The Role Of Guns

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 1 month ago

Fox News:

Australian counterterrorism forces detained 15 people Thursday in a series of suburban raids after receiving intelligence that the Islamic State militant group was planning public beheadings in two Australian cities to demonstrate its reach.

About 800 federal and state police officers raided more than a dozen properties across 12 Sydney suburbs as part of the operation — the largest in Australian history, Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Colvin told the Associated Press. A sword was removed as part of evidence at one of the homes.

Separate raids in the eastern cities of Brisbane and Logan were also conducted.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the plan involved kidnapping randomly selected members of the public off the streets in Sydney and Brisbane, beheading them on camera, and releasing the recordings through Islamic State’s propaganda arm in the Middle East.

[ … ]

A second man was charged Thursday night in connection with the raids. The 24-year-old, who police didn’t name, was charged with possessing ammunition without license and unauthorized possession of a prohibited weapon. He was released on bail and ordered to appear in court next week.

Most readers probably pondered how ISIS was able to infiltrate a country and the awful acts they were prepared to perpetrate.  I didn’t.  My thoughts ran immediately to the fact that at least one of the individuals had a “prohibited” weapon and ammunition.  As with all gun control, law abiding citizens are unarmed and unprotected, while the criminals have their weapons.

Australia has some of the most restrictive gun control laws on earth.  We’ve discussed this before.  An Australian farmer lost his fight to obtain a handgun to shoot feral hogs because he couldn’t satisfy the woman heading the “administrative tribunal” that he really needed the gun.

The response to the ISIS members in Australia points out several important things.  First of all, gun control doesn’t apply to those in charge.  Law enforcement will always have their weapons.  Second, when law enforcement acts, they do so in order to secure the hive, or the collective.  Their concern isn’t and wasn’t for any particular individual who may have been (or will be) targeted by ISIS, because if it was, they would allow people to be armed for purposes of self defense.  But actions directed against the collective is a threat to their command and control, and will not be allowed.

So do the ordinary people feel threatened?

Never before have I felt so naked.

Now more than ever, I wish I was armed.

 And I’m not alone.

Any and all home-grown Islamic terrorism should be able, if need be, to be met by a well-armed civilian militia. The United Kingdom has had two beheadings of members of the public in the last two years, with neither police nor civilians able to prevent it. It has prohibitive gun laws.

With news of the ISIS plot to randomly abduct members of the Australian public and behead them, Australian sentiment on guns is dramatically shifting.

It appears Australians are finally understanding the importance of gun ownership and craving it at a time when the world is increasingly unsafe.

“I’ll tell you this point blank: I’d feel safer in a country where I was legally allowed to carry around a firearm,” says J. Coughran, 30, a businessman.

According to Coughran, media coverage of Islamic State is fueling the change in heart.

“This ISIS stuff is seeing quite a few people changing their opinions.. one of my mates told me today- he’s coming around on the gun issue. He’s 68 years old, been against guns his whole life- now he’s turning around because of these savages,” he said.

We’ll see what comes of this.  But time is short.  For Australia it may be ISIS or criminal gangs which have become more prominent in Australia lately.  With America the problems run deeper, with a porous Southern border and criminal cartel gangs ravaging country from the border and on up to large cities like Chicago.

Self defense is a luxury when times are safe.  When times become hard, the giggling and jokes go away, and people begin to think grown up thoughts.  Those who want to continue to think as children pretend that the police will take care of them.  Adults know better.

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  1. On September 19, 2014 at 5:32 am, David Wright said:

    You’ve surely mailed it, sir. To the WALL. When it’s the other bloke in danger, it’s all too easy to scoff at his desire to be able to protect himself and his family. When the rubber finally meets the road, THAT’S when the rest will start whining about personal protection, by which time it’s virtually too late. I like the Aussies, but given this trip into gun-ban mania, I will never visit there until this has been totally repealed and our Constitutional carry, as in Vermont, Arizona, et al, put in its place.

  2. On September 19, 2014 at 6:46 am, LibertasIntel said:

    That was my first thought too; “How far did their gun control go”? I believe these govts are you using ISIS to justify their police states. Texas sure is. Texas has no less than five fusion centers.

  3. On September 19, 2014 at 7:38 am, MattBracken said:

    It’s my understanding that the Aussie govt destroyed thousands and thousands of perfectly good Enfield and FAL rifles about a decade ago, instead of even storing them. Shame.

  4. On September 19, 2014 at 8:17 am, HooKeeLau said:

    Yup. All ya gotta do is let them be in charge of your government, the media, and your schools and courts and suddenly nothing that should happen, happens….. and suddenly everything bad that could happen…..Happens…

    But it’s not their fault. No body has any power but them but it’s not their fault and oh by the way, they’re not going to ever allow any changes to what they’ve accomplished, even while standing on the bodies of their victims. Because they you see are right and you are wrong because after all, YOU’RE NOT EVEN A SOCIALIST!

    Bullets are the only possible answer to that scenario, if you intend to be free and have your family safe. Everything else, anything less, allows you a glorious Soviet lifestyle!

  5. On September 19, 2014 at 10:40 am, Heyoka said:

    Exactly correct sir. Some Polly Anna perception is driving the herd toward total surrender to insanity. The herd has been spooked and there is no stopping it, it will run its course. Rationalization, not reason, is the poison of the mind. No one jnows the difference because of the conditioning and the decades of dumbing down. Attorneys are supposed to be the epitome of reason yet today not one supreme court justice could tell you the difference. We have become a nation of cattle and if it were so the very elect would be fooled. But there is something in some folks that sees through the darkness.
    The socialist’s cry that times have changed is founded on some supposed advance in civilization. While it is true that technology has advanced the human creature giant steps, I am afraid that it merely affords the deceivers a greater ability to twist the minds of their fellows. Truly human nature is nowhere near to the advance that technology has wrought. This example of rationalization is precisely what I mean and exactly why the lies of the “Elite’ will never ring true. Tyrants are tyrants and nothing said will disuade them from their lust.
    Thanks for being one of God’s People and seeing through the lies.

  6. On September 19, 2014 at 8:52 am, Paul B said:

    It is amazing how screaming savages surrounding you will focus your attentions. Flat out amazing.

  7. On September 19, 2014 at 11:50 am, dfgsddsfsf said:

    If ISIS tried this in AL, I doubt even one head would roll off the neck of an Alabamian. Someone would likely shoot him. The sword’s utility as a tool in warfare was lessened centuries ago and stopped being used in warfare many decades ago for good reason.

  8. On September 19, 2014 at 11:47 am, edsfsdfsdfsdfsdf said:

    This is what happens in a nation where men are wimps. LOL, good day mate, goin’ to be a turnin in me firearms mate!!!! Try gun confiscation in America and see what happens. If what is going on in even very liberal states like New York and CT is any indication, the gun grabbers have lost in America.

    From our cold and dead hands.

  9. On September 19, 2014 at 11:58 am, squareWave said:

    There is nothing that liberals will not sacrifice on the altar of Political Correctness, even if it literally means random citizens having their heads sawed off in the middle of Western cities. ISIS is dangerous, just as Islam has always been since the 7th Century, but they are more a symptom of a larger disease, and that disease is Leftism, Progressivism, Cultural Marxism, whatever you want to call it.

    I used to think that something like random beheadings of Western citizens in their own countries would prompt vigilante reprisals against all things Middle Eastern or Islamic. Now I am far less certain that anything will get these eloi out of their stupor.

  10. On September 19, 2014 at 12:55 pm, GomeznSA said:

    Collective? Nah, more like the Borg – you WILL be assimilated, or destroyed. And when resistance, no matter how futile(according to them anyway), is encountered, the Borg are willing to sacrifice whatever (no such thing as individuals after all) in order to further the assimilation/destruction.

  11. On September 19, 2014 at 6:22 pm, Joseph P. Martino said:

    They voted the gun grabbers into office. They can vote them out and replace them with people who will repeal the gun laws.

  12. On September 21, 2014 at 10:22 am, pjb1 said:

    It’s funny, this so-called ISIS plot is likely just another government ploy to ramp up fear of terror (false flag, anyone?), and ISIS is anyway a creation of the US government. But what does the beheading frenzy do instead? Causes people to want guns. So much for the idiotic plottings and maneuverings of the ruling class…

    Only fools would fear getting beheaded by ISIS. Maybe a reasonable concern in Damascus, but Australia? What a laugh. Not that a beheading couldn’t happen, but what are your chances?

  13. On September 22, 2014 at 10:48 am, John Hardin said:

    Only fools would fear getting beheaded by ISIS.

    Fools like Lee Rigby? (Granted, he wasn’t beheaded by ISIS, but Islamic terrorism is Islamic terrorism.)

  14. On December 19, 2014 at 8:55 am, theBuckWheat said:

    Another luxury when times are safe and prosperous is entertaining liberals and the demands to create a Utopia. This of course is “unsustainable”, which is a concept that leftists love to scold the rest of us about. It should be noted that liberal Utopias are never economically sustainable because socialism always needs more resources than it produces.

    see: “Economic Calculation in a Socialist Commonwealth,”

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