Obama Defends Holder in Gunrunner Scandal
BY Herschel Smith
Today Obama spoke ever so carefully concerning Eric Holder and his involvement in Project Gunrunner.
“My attorney general has made clear that he certainly would not have ordered gun-running to be able to pass through into Mexico,” Mr. Obama said. “I’ve made very clear my views that that would not be an appropriate step by the ATF, and we’ve got to find out how that happened. As soon as the investigation’s completed, I think appropriate actions will be taken.”
Obama owns Eric Holder in this remark. “My attorney general …” But more questions are raised than answered. If Holder had not ordered it, and Obama himself doesn’t think that Project Gunrunner “would [be] an appropriate step by the ATF,” then what does it mean when their own report claims that?
Initially implemented in our four primary Southwest border field divisions, Project Gunrunner has evolved into a national strategy … Over the past few years the White House, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security and even the U.S. Northern Command have developed various strategies and policies designed to leverage the full capabilities of the U.S. Government in this effort. It is essential that our efforts support the strategies and policies of the President and the Attorney General and where possible, complement the strategies of other agencies.
[ … ]
… over the past few months enforcement strategies (and other guidance) that address firearms trafficking to Mexican cartels have been developed and released by the White House and the Department of Justice. It is essential that ATF efforts support strategies promoted by the White House and Department of Justice. An examination of these and other strategies reveals similarities among the strategies, but also suggests that some revisions to ATF’s current strategy are necessary.
When everyone else is responsible, no one is responsible, which in fact might be the Obama strategy. The ATF field agents and mid-level managers had better be looking for gainful employment. At least for the moment, Obama is defending Holder.
Defendant’s Attorney Seeks Discovery in Project Gunrunner
ATF’s Kenneth Melson to Testify Before Congress
Project Gunrunner Update: FoxNews, LA Times and Washington Post
Washington Post Wrong on Issa Knowledge of Project Gunrunner
Gunrunner Investigation Points Much Higher Than ATF Director
Replacing Kenneth Melson At ATF Is Not Enough
The Deepening Project Gunrunner Scandal
Senators Feinstein, Schumer and Whitehouse on Halting U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Mexico
Project Gunrunner: White House and DoJ Knowledge and Oversight
On July 8, 2011 at 11:57 am, dad29 said:
“My attorney general has made clear that he certainly would not have ordered gun-running to be able to pass through into Mexico,” Mr. Obama said.
If there was one thing that Clinton taught me, it was “PARSE!!”
No, the AG did not ‘order’ the action. But “approve” or “tacitly endorse” is not the same as “order,” either, is it?