Admin details
BY Herschel Smith
I don’t generally like to blogroll people who don’t blogroll me, and blogroll lists get old and in need of maintenance (for example, I have had to remove a number of blogs in my blogroll who have stopped active writing). I have also blogrolled our friend Bruce at Flit, who offers interesting commentary.
I hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving and gave God thanks for His blessings in your life. I have taken a few badly needed days off from blogging. It has become obvious to me (from repeat registrations of the same people, lost passwords, people who write in to say that they can’t leave comments, etc), that I have an annoying problem with the web site. I’m not sure if it’s related to our own unique coding or something to do with this version of WordPress.
Upon typing in your login information, if it appears that you aren’t logged in and there is no dialogue box to use for comments, you might need to hit the refresh button. When you do this the appearance will change and you can check your profile, leave comments and the other things a registered user can do. Sorry for the inconvenience. I don’t know how to fix the problem. Again, there is an easy workaround if you know what to do. Just hit the refresh button on your web browser.
Finally, The Captain’s Journal web based e-mail has been dysfunctional for a very long time. If you have sent me a note in the last half a year (not excluding the past couple of weeks), I never received it. This problem has been fixed and I am now receiving e-mail.
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