The Sniper of Tarmiyah
BY Herschel Smith
In a Multinational Force update on Friday, September 21, 2007, Rear Admiral Mark Fox conveyed positive developments in Tarmiyah.
Earlier this month Iraqi Security and Coalition Forces conducted operations in the area discovering two (2) large weapons caches and detaining two (2) Al-Qaida terrorists. Among the material found in the caches were ten (10) tons of ammonium nitrate mixed with fuel oil, eleven (11) fifty-five (55) gallon drums of fuel oil and various other explosives such as artillery rounds, rocket propelled grenades, as well as fully assembled improvised explosive devices. One of the individuals detained was Mu’ayyad ‘Ali Husayn Sulayman al-Bayyati, who helped establish terrorist cells in the village. Allegedly, murdered citizens in the main intersection of Tarmiyah and tortured young men in the area. Al-Bayyati also known, as Abu Wathiq and the “executioner
On September 24, 2007 at 10:17 am, fumento said:
Hell, in Ramadi at it’s worst, you didn’t dare stay 30 seconds in one place without cover. We ran everywhere. Out of four civilian embeds with 1/506th, 101st Airborne, I was one of them. Of the remaining three, two were sniped. One was filming while the other — I’m not making this up — was taking a PORTRAIT photo outside the wire AFTER there had already been shooting. He got shot twice but, worse, the sergeant who had to haul his ass back to cover also got shot.
On September 26, 2007 at 9:26 pm, mmannske said:
You need a sniper to kill a sniper.