How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia

Herschel Smith · 30 Sep 2024 · 11 Comments

To begin with, this is your president. This ought to be one of the most shameful things ever said by a sitting president. "Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?" BIDEN: "We've given everything that we have." "Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?" BIDEN: "No." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 30, 2024 We must have spent too much money on Ukraine to help Americans in distress. I don't…… [read more]

MH-6 Little Bird

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Our Borders Are Inviolate

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Unless of course it’s the U.S. Southern border, in which case, they want to lose that war.

Bobcat Stalks Ducks

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Brookside Police Chief Mike Jones Resigns

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

We covered it here, based on the awesome reporting done by

Oh no.  No, no, no, no, no.

It should not be that easy.  This shouldn’t just go away.  The Police Chief should be charged with crimes.

Additionally, the original article mentions the following names: (1) Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr, and (2) Judge Jim Wooten.

They didn’t just know it was going on, the helped to perpetrate the crimes.  They too should be up on charges, as should the entire city council, who also had to know this was going on.

You’re Not Special Like People Wearing Badges

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago


Very few people in the U.S. have had the experience of firing a fully automatic firearm, since even in a country awash in hundreds of millions of legal firearms, only a few hundred thousand are capable of full-auto firing. For the average person to own one requires extensive government paperwork and fees on top of the artificially inflated five- or six-figure price tag for the guns themselves. Realistically, it’s not possible for all but the richest shooters.

SHOT Show, the world’s biggest gun show, descended on Las Vegas in January after a pandemic-induced year off. Before the buyers scurried around the floor of the Venetian Expo trying to secure stock from salesmen with fewer offerings than in years past, many made their way to a massive outdoor range to test out the offerings. I went along with them.

The desert range was more deserted than usual thanks to many of the biggest gun companies being scared off by the omicron COVID variant. The ammo shortage was evident too, even at the industry’s own trade show. What used to be 20- or 30-round demos were cut to five or 10.

A few of the full-autos were there as demos for law enforcement or military buyers who are, as is often the case with gun laws, exempted from the full-auto ban enforced against everyone else. Many were meant in essence to say to normal gun enthusiasts, “Hey, look at this cool gun. Don’t you wish you could own this? Anyway, when you’re done with the fun gun, here’s what you can actually buy.”

That’s one reason I don’t much cover SHOT Show.  I so detest the NFA/Hughes Amendment that I won’t give the courtesy of additional coverage to the manufacturers who act like that.

Many of them do, and few of them spend the money or time to fight unconstitutional laws.

Setting Up A False Arrest

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

He gets shoved into the cop.  Cops charge him with battery of a police officer.

Honestly.  Thank God for cameras these days.

The more I learn about cops in WV, the less I like that state.

Another Pink Panties Sheriff Wants To Play Nice With The Feds

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

The Missouri Sheriffs certainly wear pink pantiesThis time, it’s the Greenville County Sheriff, Hobart Lewis.

GREENVILLE — Months after Greenville County Council passed an ordinance proclaiming the county a Second Amendment sanctuary, the issue came back before the council Jan. 20 as frustrated gun owners said the law hadn’t gone far enough in its punishments.

The ordinance restricts the use of county tax revenue and resources to enforce any potential future federal gun restrictions.

A group, many wearing orange “Guns Save Lives” stickers, attended the council meeting after social media calls by the nonprofit, locally-organized United Patriots Alliance said residents’ rights to keep and bear arms were in danger because the council removed criminal penalties from the version of the ordinance it passed in September 2021.

That ordinance was championed by the same group and brought to the council by Councilman Steve Shaw, a gun law attorney. Shaw modified the ordinance to remove the criminal penalties and focus solely on financial implications after Attorney General Alan Wilson’s office issued an opinion on a similar ordinance considered in Aiken County.

The attorney general’s opinion issued in August 2021 said the state legislature “covers the field” on the regulation of firearms and his office expected attempts by counties to regulate firearms would not be upheld if challenged in court.

At the time, Greenville County Sheriff Hobart Lewis also said he was concerned about criminal penalties that could snag sheriff’s deputies who unknowingly went against the county ordinance. But Councilman Joe Dill, who reintroduced criminal penalties in an amendment the council will consider, said the county either needs to have a penalty for breaking its ordinance or it should do away with it entirely.

“I think it will stand up,” Dill said. “I don’t think there’s a judge that will say you’re overstepping your bounds.”

If the amendment passes, it would add penalties of up to 30 days in jail and up to a $500 fine to anyone who violates the ordinance.

Councilman Lynn Ballard said he still has questions about who the ordinance would target and how it would be enforced.

Dill said that would include anyone who comes on a resident’s property and tries to confiscate a weapon. That could include the arrest of federal officers or those designated to enforce possible future gun rights restrictions, he said.

Residents who spoke Jan. 20 questioned whether Republican members of the council were conservative enough. Speakers included a pair of candidates who have announced plans to run for the Republican nomination for the U.S. House District 4 seat, including Michael LaPierre and Mark Burns.

Questions posed, so questions answered.

Will it hold up in court?  It doesn’t matter.  Anyone who asks that question doesn’t understand what’s happening here.  You don’t ask.  You don’t go to court.  You enforce the statute.  Screw the judges.

Who enforces it?  The Sheriff enforces it.  If it’s one of his own, he should have trained them better.  He has to put his own deputy in jail.  Period.

Are those punishments severe enough?  No.

Is it really possible that a deputy or city cop “unknowingly” goes against the ordinance?  No, not unless you’re a kindergartener.  This should be easy enough.  Find out who’s on the other end of the phone.  If it’s an agent of the FedGov, threaten to arrest them if they come into your county.

I’m glad I could help solve these problems for you.

Ivermectin: Is There Anything It Can’t Do?

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

I have dozens and dozens of articles in my e-folders discussing the health benefits of coffee.  But this isn’t about coffee.  It’s about Ivermectin.

Your colon, which is also known as the large intestine, plays an incredibly important role in your health. As part of the digestive tract, bacteria in the colon are responsible for the final breakdown of food material before it passes into the rectum and is excreted through the anus.

New evidence published in Frontiers in Pharmacology show the antiparasitic medication ivermectin may have a new application in the treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC). Researchers are hopeful this may have a positive impact on colon cancer deaths. Colon cancer is the third leading cancer diagnosis and third cause of cancer death in the U.S.

According to data from the National Cancer Institute, an estimated 149,500 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed in 2021 and an estimated 52,980 people will die. This represents 7.9% of all new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2021 and 8.7% of all cancer deaths.

There are modifiable risk factors associated with colorectal cancer. For example, lifestyle factors over which you have control that reduce your risk of colorectal cancer include your diet, alcohol consumption, activity level, weight and history of smoking.

Wrongly vilified as a “livestock drug” by the media in the treatment of COVID-19 with “scant evidence it works,” researchers have found a new use for this Nobel Prize-winning medication. As the research team wrote in the published study, although CRC is the third most common cancer worldwide, it still lacks effective therapy.

Past research has demonstrated that ivermectin also has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antiviral properties. To test the influence ivermectin may have on colorectal cancer cells, the team used cancer cell lines SW480 and SW1116. Both are epithelial cell lines from the large intestine in humans.

The researchers used multiple tests to determine cell viability and apoptosis after exposure to ivermectin. They also measured reactive oxygen species levels and cell cycle. To explore the effect on proliferation, the researchers used different concentrations of ivermectin on the cultured cells and found cell viability decreased in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner.

The ivermectin also altered cell morphology, demonstrating a decrease in cells after just 24 hours and a loss of their original shape. Cultured cells were also exposed to concentrations of ivermectin after which cell viability and apoptosis were measured. The researchers found an increase in apoptosis indicating a dose-dependent effect.

Additionally, the researchers measured the activity of Caspase-3 that plays a vital role initiating apoptosis. They found that ivermectin increases Caspase 3/7 activity in both cell lines in a dose-dependent manner.

Source (more at the link).

Uh oh.  The FDA and big Pharma won’t like this one tiny little bit.  They hate you and want to see you die.

Medical Tags:

Fighting The Wrong Enemy In The Wrong Place

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

Thoughts from Matt Bracken, sent from Michael Yon (via WRSA).

Yes.  A reminder that we’re under invasion.

Related: I stumbled upon this blog a couple of days ago.  Borderland Beat.

It’s a website dedicated to reporting on the operations of the Mexican cartels on the Mexican-U.S. border.  The beheadings, violence, buyouts and corruption is everywhere.

Yes, we’re under invasion.  Messing with Russia’s “near abroad” is about the stupidest thing we could possibly do – unless they’re trying to distract you and enrich themselves (or install the rainbow flag over the Kremlin).

Lies About Ivermectin

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

Zero Hedge.

A bill working its way through the New Hampshire legislature would allow residents to receive ivermectin from pharmacies with a prescription of a doctor or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) for the off-label treatment of Covid-19.

House Bill 2011 would allow pharmacists to “dispense ivermectin under the delegated prescriptive authority of the physician or APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurses), specify a mechanism to document screening performed and the prescription in the patient’s medical record, and include a plan for evaluating and treating adverse events,” reads the bill. “Any such prescription shall be regarded as being issued for a legitimate medical purpose in the usual course of professional practice.”

Indeed, ivermectin already may have saved hundreds of thousands of lives from India to Brazil.

Co-sponsored by Rep. Leah Cushman (R), the New Hampshire bill would require pharmacists to provide patients with a “standardized information sheet written in plain language” that would note the importance of follow-up care.

“Nothing on the information sheet shall discourage the recipient from using ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19,” reads the bill.

On Tuesday, a state House committee heard arguments for and against the bill.

“Ivermectin is not authorized or approved by the FDA for use in preventing or treating COVID-19,” said Steve Ahnen, president and CEO of the New Hampshire Hospital Association.

Arguing for Ivermectin was Dr. Paul Marik with Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, who resigned his position as Professor of Medicine with Eastern Virginia Medical School following a reprimand from the Virginia Board of Medicine for proscribing drugs to people who were not his patients.

Some key excerpts from his testimony can be seen below via Granite Grok:

This is not controversial. It has been made controversial by politics and special interests.

I’ve been practicing critical care for 35 years.

I’ve published over 600 peer reviewed papers.

After penicillin, this is the second most important drug ever produced. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives across this planet in poor underserved countries. So, we’re just going to talk about Ivermectin.

It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines.

3.7 Billion doses have been dispensed to humans, to human beings… not horses.

This is a remarkable drug. It has broad spectrum anti-parasitic, effective against a whole bunch of parasites, and as we heard, it is very effective against RNA viruses: HIV virus, zika virus, influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2 virus. In addition, what makes this a truly astonishing drug, and there is no other drug like it, it is a potent anti-inflamatory drug.

And if anybody knows about Covid, Covid goes through stages. A viral replicative phase to a profound inflammatory phase. That’s why Ivermectin is unique in that it treats across the spectrum of SARS-CoV-2.

It’s safe and well tolerated.

Ivermectin acts on a number of different pathways to inhibit viral replication. This is not theoretical. This is shown in the lab and this is shown in patients … it kills the virus. So any assumption that it doesn’t is false propaganda.”

You’ll see an 83% improvement in prophylaxis trials. 66% improvement in early trials. 34% improvement in late trials. A 52% reduction in mortality. It reduces mortality by half.

More via Granite Grok:

Dr. Marik left no stone unturned, and addressed the FDA’s propaganda statement, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously y’all. Stop it. You should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent Covid-19 using the drug Ivermectin which can be dangerous and even lethal.”

So that is an outright lie. It’s dishonest and it’s an outrage.

As we’ll see, this is a highly effective drug, and Ivermectin has never killed a single person. It is one of the safest drugs on this planet.

What is really interesting is Ivermectin is safe in 79 countries in the world. Let me say that again… it is approved in 79 countries.

Let’s look at Covid-19 vaccines in one year: 14 thousand deaths and over two million serious adverse events. This does not include the 20,000 deaths in the VAERS database which is probably a tenth of all deaths due to the vaccine. This is their data.

So somehow the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are safe and effective, yet Ivermectin is a dangerous horse deworming medicine. That is an absolute outright lie. The data speaks for itself. This is not my data. This is from the WHO.

More people have died from Tylenol, which is an over-the-counter medicine, than Ivermectin. As I said, it is one of the safest medications on this planet.

Reminder: IVM enabled India to stomp out Covid.  IVM enabled Brazil to stomp out Covid.  IVM is safe.  IVM will save you from this disease.  IVM is effective.  IVM will not harm you.  The FDA doesn’t want you to have it.  The FedGov hates you.

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